ISM Meeting – April 27th, 2024 – Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Jack Worel, Marsha Ocel, Anna Ocel, Gary Klimmek, Holly Johnson, Harry Lefto, Tim Moore, Gerry Moore, Jodi Olson, Jen Schumann, James Bonkoski, Dennis Selbitschka, Stacy Aderman, Tatiana Allen, Corinn Carlson, Maria Carlson, Sindy Soule, Eric Won
Call to order – announcements
- Recent passing of Steve Krahn (3/26/24). A memorial gathering is planned at his home on June 1st (same day as the Iris Show at Bachmann’s). Steve and Susan Krahn’s address is 6439 Vincent Avenue South, Richfield, MN 55423. Noon to 4pm.
- Art in Bloom is underway at the Minneapolis Institute of Art; it runs April 25 – 28. Tatiana Allen and Cindy Soule are exhibitors this year.
- Marsha provided a summary of the presentation given at the 3/19/24 St. Cloud Flower and Garden Club meeting. She collected orders for irises at the meeting, and plans to personally deliver the order when it is ready later this summer.
- Marsha stated that she secured a larger storage unit for ISM and a shelf unit.
- Discussion about the duties of the current Secretary (Cindy Soule). She is unable to fulfill the duties of Secretary, but wishes to continue serving as a board member.
Approval of October 14th, 2023 Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve by Gary Klimmek, second by Tatiana Allen
Treasurers Report
Holly verbally summarized updates to the Treasurer’s Report, which was reported in detail at the last Annual Meeting in October 2023:
- Stacy Aderman commented that the ISM account at US Bank is now closed. She received a check with the balance, and will forward the check to Holly or Marsha.
Judges Program
Alicia La Munion is the Judges Chair. Anna Ocel and James Bonkoski recently attended a sanctioned training session.
Iris Shows at Bachmans (7 am – Noon)
- Saturday May 25th – Memorial Day Weekend – only a “show”, no judging of irises or awards
- Saturday June 1st – an AIS sanctioned show – submissions will be judged, and awards will be given. Some ISM members plan to stop by the Steve Krahn Memorial after the show, which is close to Bachman’s and scheduled from Noon – 4 pm.
Richfield Farmers Market
Tatiana Allen has secured a new location to sell irises at the Richfield Farmers Market (6335 Portland Ave, Richfield, MN 55423). This location has a nicer space, easier parking, and is easier to set-up and access for the vendors.
- Saturday, May 18th
- Saturday, August 24th
State Fair Booth
Tatiana is working with the Mn Horticultural Society to plan for the 2024 State Fair Booth. The question was asked whether ISM should host the booth for only 2 days or for the entire fair. The 2024 Minnesota State Fair is scheduled for August 22nd – September 2nd.
2024 Digs
Three digs are currently planned:
- May 11th (NEMMIG) – should only take a couple of hours
- August 3rd (NEMMIG) – Jen S will coordinate food & beverages
- August 10th (Arboretum) – need volunteer to coordinate food & beverages
2024 Sale at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum
Dates for the 2024 Sale at the Arb have been confirmed to be August 16 (set-up 2 pm – 6 pm), 17 (sale 9 am – 5 pm), and 18 (sale & tear-down 9 am – 5 pm).
The Minnesota Landscape Arboretum has been steadily increasing their room-rental rates, and it appears that 2024 is the last year that ISM will be able to hold the sale there. Bachman’s is a possible location to hold future sales. A suggestion was also made to find a St. Paul location to have a sale in 2025.
Gary Klimmek mentioned that he has a lot of data from the 2023 digs and sales that would be useful to guide future digs and sales, so that the ISM members can more efficiently use time and resources to prepare for sales. A “pre-dig” meeting for members involved in planning the digs and sales was recommended, where this data can be reviewed in detail.
Jack provided an update on the new rules for entering “Single Blossom Entry” at shows and demonstrated how to display them using a small container, provided by the exhibitor.
- “Single Iris Blossom” entries are not eligible for best specimen of the show, nor do they count toward silver or bronze medals.
Auctions will continue for the 2024 dig and sale dates.
Discussion about a possible “Awards Dinner”.
Discussion about a possible “Board Meeting” in September.
Discussion about a possible “Annual Meeting” in October.
*These meeting minutes were prepared by Jen Schumann. Please contact me to make edits if you discover errors or omissions.
Thank you,
Jen Schumann
Happy March everyone! Spring officially began this month! Although, all the snow outside tells me otherwise…….
One of the things in the news lately is the new plant hardiness map put out by the USDA. You really should check to see what zone you are in! I was always in zone 4A, but when I put my zip code in the search, it came up as zone 5A! Go to planthardiness.ars.usda.gov to find your zone.
The 2023 AIS Iris Symposium results are out! TB Rank #1 is ‘Daughter of Stars’. Go to irises.org to see the whole listing! It’s always so fun to see this!
Okay, now for our society, this month on the 19th we gave a zoom presentation for the St. Cloud Garden Club. This year we need to video our members in the process of the dig, it would make a great program!
In April we have 2 events. On Saturday the 27th we are having an Iris Meeting and giving a program first.
DETAILS - Iris Program on NEMMIG and Meeting
1 - 3 pm Community Room at
Columbia Heights Public Library
3939 Central Avenue NE
Columbia Heights, MN. 55421
Also Art in Bloom is April 25-28 at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 2400 Third Avenue E, Minneapolis, MN 55404. Our member Tatiana and ISM Secretary Cindy Soule will be making arrangements, so please come, take a free tour and support our members.
Tatiana Allen has secured for us a new location to have a spring and summer farmers market in Richfield. We will need members to help with a small dig this spring at NEMMIG. Jack is already getting some of his plants ready! We will have more information on this at the April 27 meeting.
We will have sign up sheets ready for several events: the spring dig at NEMMIG, the iris show at Bachmans in June, the dig at the Arboretum and the sale in August.
We started our judges program with four members doing the AIS program taught by Bonnie Nichols of Texas, and she also happens to be First Vice President of AIS . Anyone who is interested in becoming a judge, just talk to me, Jack Worel, or our ISM judges chair, Alicia LaMunion.
We are going to have some fun events this year, so make sure to come to the meeting on Saturday, April 27, to get more information and to see each other!
See you all then, Marsha
The rescheduled ISM Get Together was a big success.
See the photos here!
Our Sunday January 14 Winter Get Together has been cancelled!
The weather advisory is for Friday and Saturday, but the national weather service has stated that from Saturday through Tuesday the dangerously low wind chill temperatures will range from -25 to -40.
Yes, this is very disappointing, however, our plans are not in vain. The Nature Center has graciously agreed to reschedule our event! Yay!
Our new date is Saturday, February 10. Same time 12:30 to 3:30. And it will still be a potluck, still have a gift exchange, games and door prizes! Only it will be on a Saturday! So keep your gift ready and now there is another chance to get your holiday photos sent to me for the slideshow! Yes, we are still doing that! We have some really beautiful photos sent in, mine are kind of goofy (Anna and I have fun hats), so just send the pictures you like!
Stay warm and safe this weekend and we’ll all see each other on Saturday, February 10!
Bless you all, Marsha
January President's Notes
Happy New Year to all!
I do hope you’ve all had wonderful holidays and have made memories to warm your hearts!
Our first event of the new year is our
Winter Get Together
on Sunday January 14, from 12:30 to 3:30pm. It will be at Eastman Nature Center in the Elm Creek Room, 13351 Elm Creek Road, Maple Grove, MN 55369. It will be a potluck with a gift exchange and we’ll have some games and prizes. And of course, some door prizes!
When you get done reading this email, please look through your pictures from the holidays and email me one or two of them. It could be the lights on your house and yard, your Christmas tree, ceremony of lights, at the dinner table or any tradition you keep. We’re making a slide show for the Get Together! Please send pictures to me at marshalocel@gmail.com
Our calendar is starting to shape up - we now have dig and sale dates for the Arboretum.
August 10 - dig August 17 & 18 - sale. Of course, more information will be forthcoming.
And, we will be working on setting dates for the farmers market. Tatiana Allen has graciously offered to run these events again, hopefully even have a spring date! That means we will need to do an early NEMMIG dig this year.
We do have some sad news, our treasurer Holly Johnson’s father is dying and he is in hospice care now. Holly is in Illinois with her family. Our thoughts and prayers are with her. This does remind me to say, please let our Sunshine chair, Gerry Moore (952-356-2694) know of any member who is going through an illness or a bereavement .
I sure hope to see lots of you all on the 14th!
President’s Notes - December 2023
Thank you all for voting me in as your next president. I really do feel it is quite an honor and l will do my best to fulfill the duties of this position. Jack is a hard act to follow, but I promise to do my best!
Our first event in 2024 will be a Winter Get Together on January 14, from 12:30 to 3:30 pm. It will be at Eastman Nature Center, Elm Creek Room, 13351 Elm Creek Road, Maple Grove, MN 55369. It will be a potluck with a gift exchange and we have games and prizes, a couple of kid’s activities and of course door prizes!
Our calendar does have some other dates on it; show, dig and sale. When I looked at the website and saw all the committee names removed, it was quite shocking, but we’re in the process of getting members onto committees.
So, I am asking you to think with your heart about what committees you really like and want to work on. Remember, it can and hopefully will be more than one. I personally like them all, but we need others to chair committees and that way put our members talents to the good of our society and have ownership for our members. Know this, we will always help one another, so please contact me at marshalocel@gmail.com to let me know what committees you’re interested in! We will send emails out with all updates.
I wish each and everyone of you a wonderful holiday season! Stay warm and be safe.
Love, Marsha
“Past” President’s Notes
October 27, 2023
I want to thank many people that helped and supported me in my duties as President. This was my second time serving in this position. A few of you may have been around the first time in 1988-1989.
I especially want to thank past President Tatiana Allan for continuing to be active, giving me reminders, running the farmers market sales and the state fair information booth, and support for our NE public iris gardens at the Columbia Golf Course.
I also want to thank Holly Johnson for her work on the public garden digs and the plant sales. She also manages out finances as Treasurer.
And of course I want to thank Marte Hult for managing the Web site. We would not be able to function during the covid years without these forms of communication.
We are fortunate to have a new President that even has past experience as President of ISM. Marsha Ocel was elected our President at the annual meeting on October 15th. Marsha also served as President in 1998-2001. I know she will do a great job. Please give her all the support you can. Her email is marshalocel@gmail.com.
ISM Annual Meeting – October 14th, 2023 – Meeting Minutes
Jack Worel, Jan Worel, Marsha Ocel, Gary Klimmek, Holly Johnson, Tim Moore, Gerry Moore, Celia Connoy, Dave Beckman, Linda Horseman, Jen Schumann, James Bonkoski, Pamela Marie
Call to order – announcements
- Jack provided a summary of the presentation given by Linda Miller at the recent Region 8 meeting.
- Recent passing of Ms. Elledan McLeester, officer in the Madison Area Iris Society, and Reblooming Iris Society, among others.
- A new member and a member of the Minneapolis Garden Club, Pamela Marie, was introduced to the ISM at one of the annual sales at the Arb. She purchased a few iris rhizomes, was given a few extra freebies, and now has a nice iris garden. She brought a blossom of “Unbelievable Love” to the meeting today to share.
Approval of September 17 2023 Meeting Minute
Motion to approve by James Bonkoski, second by Celia Connoy
New ISM Officers nominated at 9/17/23 meeting
ISM President: Marsha Ocel
ISM Vice President: Gary Klimmek
ISM Director: Harry Lefto
Motion to approve by Holly Johnson, second by James Bonkoski
Treasurers Report
Holly provided a printed detailed summary of last years’ expenses and of the proposed 2023-2024 budget. She also provided a printed summary of all ISM revenues and bank account balances. She verbally summarized the Treasurers Report; the following are items that were discussed and changes that were made to the 2023-2024 Budget:
- Item 1 (meeting expenses), increase from $200 to $1,000, to cover potential speaker fees and room rentals
- Item 3 (judge’s training), increase from $200 to $600, to cover more training for more members. Discussion about the lack of judges that are active in the ISM, and how to promote interest in members becoming judges.
- Item 5 (Art in Bloom), increase from $160 to $320, to cover increasing costs of fresh flowers for arrangements. ISM sponsors 2 entries each year, and the ISM is recognized accordingly.
- Item 21 (Sunshine/Memorial), increase from $325 to $400. Last year the budget was exceeded.
- Item 22 (Region 8 donation/expenses), increase from $200 to $500, to support their efforts.
- There was lengthy discussion about several other items, but those in attendance agreed to leave the budget as-is for those items.
Holiday Party
Those in attendance agreed that a holiday party should be held in January; date TBD
State Fair Booth
Further discussion about this topic is needed. Some members suggested that ISM have a representative at the State Fair every day; other members suggested that it might be difficult finding volunteers to represent ISM for so many days, and noted that they are long days and it is tiring work.
2024 Digs and Sale
Dates for the 2024 Sale at the Arb have been confirmed to be August 9 (set-up), 10 (sale), and 11 (sale). The 2024 BOGO sale at the NE Minneapolis Farmers Market will be August 17 – 18. Dates for the digs have not yet been confirmed.
Holly provided a detailed printed summary of the day’s events at both digs (Arb & NEMMIG). There was some discussion about possibly only having one dig in 2024, but those in attendance agreed that there are iris in need of digging and dividing at both gardens every year, and questioned who would do this if the ISM does not host an official dig at both locations.
Holly commented that as Chair of the Dig Committee and Sales Committee, she could have better utilized the committee members to shoulder more of the prep work for the sales.
A suggestion was made to find a St. Paul location to have a sale in 2024.
Those in attendance generally agreed that the ISM should have a 2024 show at Bachman’s. Jack commented that if the ISM does schedule a 2024 show at Bachman’s, then ISM members must step-up and help put the show on.
Jack Worel provided a proposal for “membership through volunteering”, where membership dues would be waived for one year in exchange for volunteering for at least 3 hours (or 6 hours for a family) with ISM projects.
Marsha Ocel suggested that ISM hold a meeting in March, with an emphasis on new members.
*These meeting minutes were prepared by Jen Schumann. Please contact me to make edits if you discover errors or omissions.
Thank you,
Jen Schumann
Iris Society of Minnesota
Fall Schedule – 2023
OCTOBER 14. 11:30 TO 3:30
September 17, 2023, 1PM (Sunday) ISM Members Meeting-Planning for next year & Committee Reports
Eastside Food Coop, 2551 Central Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota
September 30, 2023 (Saturday) Madison Awards Banquet
We are invited to the Madison Iris Society to have lunch and to listen to speaker Lynda Miller, hybridizer and winner of the Dykes Medal award. It’s a one day car pool to the Bonfire Grill. Make plans with Jack for car pooling. (763-607-6098, jackworel04@gmail.com. )
October 7, 2023, (Saturday), 12:00-3:00 P.M., Pot Luck Picnic and Annual Board Meeting
Pershing Recreation Center
3523 West 48th Street (corner of 48th and Chowen Avenue South) Minneapolis, Minnesota
Room has been rented from 11:30-3:30 for set up and clean up. There is a kitchen attached to the room.
December – Christmas or Holiday Party to be planned
THANKS to all the volunteers for our digs, sales, and state fair booth this summer.
May 30, 2023
The Iris Society of Minnesota
Saturday, June 3
8AM — 5PM
Public Viewing: Noon to 5PM
Heritage Room at Bachman's Garden Center
6010 Lyndale Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55419
The Iris Society of Minnesota is affiliated with the American Iris Society
The show is open to members and the general public at no charge
Iris flowers must be entered by 10AM
Help is available for new people entering flowers
The theme for flower arrangements is "Spring is Here, Summer is Coming."
See Show Rules Here
Join the Iris Society of Minnesota and/or the American Iris Society.
ISM Marte Hult, 3220 Minnesota Lane No.,Plymouth, MN 55447
AIS Membership Secretary, PO Box 6, Huxley, IA 50124
Show chairperson - Jack Worel (763-607-6098)
President’s Notes, May, 2023
Jan and I had the good fortune to attend the American Iris Society conference near Dallas (Grapevine), Texas. The weather and bloom was great! In Texas, almost all iris were blooming; all the bearded Iris, large and small and a few Louisiana’s and Spurias. I enjoyed seeing a few species I had never seen before like a light brown Fulva. Alicia took a lot of pictures she shared on Facebook. Thanks!
As I write these notes, I await for our weather warm up. I’m looking forward to all the gardens that will open for visits. All members were sent a list of dates and times.
The first spring activity will be to clean the NE garden on May 7 from 9-12 AM. We will also pot up a few dwarf iris and Siberian. They will be sold the following weekend, May 13 at the Northeast Farmers Market. Tatiana needs help at the farmers market, May 13, 8AM to noon. Holly and I will host the first garden visit on May 14 at our NE Iris Gardens at the Columbia Golf Course, 32nd & Central Ave NE. We also will reschedule our Hybridizers Round Table. As you know, it got snowed out on April 1. The round table will meet at 2 PM on May 14 at the NE Garden. (Bring a chair).
Check your schedule for other garden visits in May: Marte’s, Holly’s and Jack’s. A class on preparing iris for shows will be given at 2 PM at Jack’s on May 28.
Have a great iris season!
ISM President
President’s Notes — Feb. 2023
In the early 80’s, I decided to try my hand at hybridizing iris. I just wanted to do it, but I did have one goal. I really wanted a white iris with nice blue beards. I finally got a seed pod from Song of Norway and Good Morning America. Both were light bluish with blue beards. The seedling finally bloomed in two years. Seven of eleven bloomed; only one was white with a blue beard. So I threw the rest away and replanted the good one (5 plants). The next spring they were all dead. Well, I had two years worth of seedlings and a few with the same cross. By then several white iris with blue beards were registered along with my America’s Song. Many were better. No matter, the new goal was to have a pink iris with blue beards. I studied pinks and found a few pinks that had parents with some blue beards. Those first yellow and pinks were not too good, but I registered a few and put them on the market with other colored iris that had nothing to do with the goal. One of these was Rush Creek, a red brown TB that many people liked. It’s parents were from good hybridizers, Keith Keppel and Linda Miller. Lesson learned! Need I go on. I was hooked and seedlings became as important to me as my children ….Well almost!
Other Notes:
Hybridizer Round Table:
on April Fool’s Day, April 1, 2023, Saturday from 12:30-4:00 PM at the East Side Co-op, 2551 Central Ave. N.E..55418. Come! Buy a sandwich. Coffee and water provided.
This gathering is for anyone interested in hybridizing and is set up for discussion and questions. Bill Dougherty and Jack Worel will moderate the discussion.
Garden Visits:
Sign up for showing your garden. Do this by March 21, the first day of spring. Call Jack at 763-607-6098 or email him at jackworel04@gmail.com.
Jack Worel
ISM President
January 24, 2023.
The 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes are now available here.
President's Notes. December 2022
I want to thank all the Minnesota Iris Society members for a terrific year. Marsha reminded us that this is our 72th year coming up. A committee is set up to plan our 75th anniversary. (Holly, Stacy, Tatiana, Erick, Roxanne, Cindy and Marsha) I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that we have more volunteer help on our projects than we have ever had. Let’s keep up this goal.
Speaking of goals, let’s spend more time together continuing with iris shows, Iris auctions and garden tours during bloom time.
We need more judges, let us know if you are interested.
Oh!!, we will have our Holiday Party pot luck Saturday, January 7th, 12:30-3:30 PM, Wood Lake Nature Center, Fireplace Room, Community Building, 6710 Lake Shore Drive South, Richfield, MN 55423. Yes, we will have a gift exchange, games and prizes.
In the next two months we will get our activity schedule together. Please be sure to join one of our committees and help plan for our events and activities. Tatiana posted the various committees. Please join one or two.
Thanks to Holly Johnson for a splendid job taking care of our public gardens. Thanks to her, we are in great financial shape. And thanks to Jeff Allan for putting together revisions of our bylaws that were approved at the October annual meeting.
In January, I will devote my message to my experiences with hybridizing iris.
Stay warm, enjoy the holidays and may all your New Year wishes come true!
Jack Worel, ISM President
Oct. 15, 2022
Dear ISM Members,
Our annual meeting is October 30, and in advance of the meeting, two important committee reports that will be discussed and voted on at the meeting are being made public for the membership.
We will be voting on approving changes to the bylaws, and the nominating committee has nominated candidates for Treasurer, Secretary and two Director positions. Please direct any questions here and we will refer you to someone who can answer your questions. Thank you and hope to see you at the meeting!
ISM Bylaws Committee Report
ISM Nominating Committee Report
Oct. 4, 2022
Iris Society of Minnesota
Notes from Business Meeting
October 1, 2022, 1:30 PM
Jack Worel opened the meeting. He offered comments about positive activities for the year; increase in membership, successful iris shows, interesting garden visits during bloom, increases in volunteer help at our public gardens, and a very successful plant sales that grossed over $10,000. The July celebration and awards banquet at Wood Lake in Richfield was popular and very much enjoyed.
Jeff Allen, chair of the bylaws committee, discussed suggested changes. Revisions of the bylaws will be received by members to be voted on at the annual meeting. The main bylaw change has to do with making sure that our officers and directors on the board take place on a staggered basis. To do this, several officers and board directors agreed to give up some positions in order to get on a staggered schedule. A list of proposed officers and directors will be emailed to members to be voted on at the annual meeting on October 30th.
Holly Johnson reported on the plant digs and sales. As the rental charges at the Arboretum and elsewhere will be increasing, members discussed options for the future. Plans for next years sale are nearly completed.
A budget for next year also will be presented at the board meeting.
Gary Klimmek reported on the varieties on the plants we sold, how many and other interesting details.
Jack reported that 10 people will go to Madison, Wisconsin on October 15. ( Carpool to visit iris friends and listen to Delane Langton from Eagle Ridge Gardens in Montana. The focus is on reblooming iris.)
We also discussed buying a trailer to store ISM stuff. No decision was reached. Jack will ask the Treasurer to pay our bill for our present storage until a decision is made.
See you at the Annual Meeting, October 30, 1:30 PM at the Eastside Cooperative Community Room,2551Central Avenue NE 55418.
The following email message was sent to all 135 members of ISM on Sept. 27 and 28, 2022:
Hello Iris Society Member!
Our emails to you normally come via Constant Contact, but this message is from my personal email account.
Only about 50%-60% of our Constant Contact ISM messages are opened by the recipients, and we have discovered
that in some cases, our emails from Constant Contact are not delivered to in-boxes but go to junk or spam folders.
So I am writing to ask you to please check your email preferences to make sure that your email server isn’t directing
our emails to your spam folders. We don’t want you to miss our messages! If you do receive our Constant Contact
messages, just disregard this plea.
A reminder that we update our website often and you can always check the calendar, news page or events page on
the website, www.irismn.net
The annual meeting is coming up on Oct. 30 and all members are encouraged to attend.
Thank you for reading!
Marte Hult
ISM Secretary and webmaster
Notice of Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Iris Society of Minnesota will be held on Sunday, October 30, 1:30 PM at the Eastside Co-op Community Room, 2551 Central Ave. N.E., Minneapolis, MN 55418. (For newcomers, this is where we approve the budget and plans for next year, 2023.)
In order to prepare, I am inviting iris members to my house on Saturday, October 1 at 1:30 PM. I would like to evaluate this past year; what went well and what changes need to be made. Items on my mind are activities like garden visits, iris shows, public garden digs and plant sales. Please add other topics! Come help us plan. Please bring a treat if you have time.
Jack Worel, President
10930 Holly Lane
Maple Grove, MN 55369
P.S. If you cannot make it, email me your thoughts at jackworel04@gmail.com.
President’s Notes, July, 2022
I put my first iris catalog out in 1973, and this year has been the latest peak bloom yet. I also had one of my best bloom. Flowers were great everywhere; at the North East public iris gardens, at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, Tim & Geraldine Moore’s, at Holly Johnson’s. Hope you saw them. Oh yes, also at Marte’s and the Krahns'.
We had good help too. Ten people dug overgrown Louisianas at the Northeast Gardens and six weeks later the new Louisiana bed was weeded by ten different volunteers - sweet!
I look forward to recognizing and rewarding our people at the Summer Celebration on Saturday July 16th at the Richfield Wood Lake Nature Center, 6710 Lake Shore Drive South, Richfield, MN 55423 (1130 to 3 PM), Pot Luck. I will have a half hour to review the iris show winners and give gifts to some of our great volunteers. There is also an option here to eat outside for those who may wish to do that.
Early Show, May 29
Best in Show - Holly Johnson
Most Blue Ribbons - Holly, WOW!
Second Most Blue Ribbons - Tim Moore
Floral Arrangements - Best Design & Artistic Sweepstakes - Nancy Rand Traveling Trophy Award for Best Dwarf Iris (Riggs Award) - Tim Moore
Mid Season Show, June 11
Best in Show - Zack Tibbets (Would you believe it, this newcomer did a great job with his flowers)
Most Blue Ribbons - Holly Johnson (What Again?)
Second Most Blue Ribbons - Danielle Christianson (Another newcomer)
Floral Arrangements - Best Design & Artistic Sweepstakes - Tatiana Allen
Volunteer Recognition
There are many people who deserve recognition for their help on projects and their volunteer work. They (but not all) are:
- Marte Hult for maintaining our web sites and memberships. Marte receives a $75 certificate from Schreiners. (She also likes cookies) Will you get something too?
- Katerina Bergeron for willing to be the new RVP for Region 8 of AIS.
- Stacy Aderman for serving as Treasurer and for reinstating our Tax Exempt Status.
- Chris Bolin for identifying and taking photos at the Northeast Gardens
- Tatiana Allen for helping Jack, for starting the Northeast Iris Gardens and running the iris society booth at the NE Farmers Market
- Lynda Horsmann and Dave Beckman for all kinds of help
- Roxanne Gulden
- William Dougherty
- Bill Turner
- Mpls Park Board, Sherie Brooks, Thank You
- Geraldine Moore for sunshine of all kinds
- Susan Krahn
- Harry Lefto
- Jen Schumann
- Cecilia Connoy
See you on the 16th!
Jack Worel
President’s Notes June
In 1973, I wrote my first listing of iris for sale from my home in Plymouth, MN. Forty-nine years later I’m still writing about iris - and this may be the latest bloom yet. Peak bloom of TB’s for me has been June 3rd on an average. This year’s peak TB bloom will be the 8th to 10th of June.
I am sure you all saw the blooms from a very successful early show. There have only been four early shows in forty years. Thanks to all the participants, particularly the new comers and the helpers who pitched in - “Thank You”.
So, to wrap up this year’s dance of the iris:
June 5 - Sunday show in Madison
- Susan & Steve Krahn’s open house in Minneapolis from 10-3
June 8-9 - Probable peak bloom at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum
June 10 - Preparations for ISM late show at Bachman’s from 4-6 PM Friday (Need 3 helpers)
June 11 - Iris Show at Bachman’s
8-10 AM - Flower set up
10-12 AM - Judging (Need 2 clerks)
12-4 PM - Open to public
4 PM - Tear down
June 12 - Jack & Jan Worel’s open house from 10-5
July 16 - Summer Celebration & Awards Pot Luck at Wood Lake Nature Center, 6710 Lake Shore Drive, 55423, more details coming.
Jack Worel
ISM President
President's Notes, May 2022
Jan and I were lucky enough to attend the American Iris Society National Convention in Las Cruces, New Mexico. The desert climate is very different than Minnesota’s climate. You have to water a lot there but there are no iris borer. It was an opportunity to see hundreds of Arilbred iris. While they do grow in Minnesota, you need to be selective. The Aril by Paul Black called Perry Dyer won best iris from out of the region. This iris grows beautifully in my garden. People who sell and grow Arilbred iris can help you with your selections. It won’t be long now before we can see iris here . . . and get reacquainted with one another. I have worked out a schedule for garden visits. The schedule will be sent out in a separate email on Friday. Many gardens to visit!!
May 14, Saturday, 9AM - 12(?)
NE Minneapolis Iris Garden (3200 Central Avenue NE, Columbia Golf Course). See first iris blooming. ALSO, please help us dig and pot overcrowded Louisiana Iris which will be sold at the NE Farmers Market, 629 NE 2nd Street, 9am to 3pm on Saturday, May 21. Just reply to this email to volunteer for the dig.
Jack Worel
ISM President
Sunday April 3rd, 2022
Meeting at Jack’s house open to all members.
In attendance were Jack and Jan Worel, Tim and Gerry Moore, Rick and Stacy Aderman, Steven and Susan Krahn, Roxanne Gulden, Alicia LaMunion, Dave Beckman, Linda Horsmann, Gary Klimmek, Holly Johnson, Christopher Bolin, Jon Dixon, and William Doughtery.
Jack called the meeting to order.
He shared a Thank You letter written from Elsie Riggs family.
In memory of Elsie, Jack wanted to get an award, to be given out for the first place winner of the Best Dwarf Iris. Stacy found a beautiful vase that H.I.P.S. was offering, and all members who were in attendance agreed that it was a great idea. Stacy will be ordering the vase.
Jack sent in our Show rules to the AIS to have the shows sanctioned & approved. He will now be able to get the ribbons and awards ordered.
The subject of the storage area was brought up. Jack was wondering if a larger unit had been rented that would be large enough to fit all the Iris Society items. The cost of the current rental of a 5’x5’ unit is about $800. Per year. Getting an enclosed trailer was discussed, and everyone thought it was a good idea to look at getting a trailer. Jack and Dave Beckman are looking into getting an enclosed trailer for the Iris Society, due to the continual cost of the storage area, and the increased cost that the storage unit will be costing the Society. Even if we have to eventually pay to store the trailer, it would still be more economical in the long run, and the items could easily be transported from location to location.
The subject of Judges for our region was brought up. Jack is now a retired judge, and although he can judge shows, he can’t chair a show. Alicia is our only current Judge in the Minnesota Society. More people are being asked to consider going through the training and becoming a Judge so we don’t have to pay to have someone come in from out of state. We may need to look into finding a judge to Judge the late show this year.
The Non-Profit tax report was addressed. This report needs to be reported at least every 3 years, but if it is done yearly, we won’t have to worry about having issues of losing our Non-Profit status. This is an e-postcard that can only be accessed on the State’s website, during business hours, so this needs to be considered when trying to find the card online. (Stacy took care of this)
Banking was discussed, and it was agreed that 2 people would be put on the account for signing checks. It was agreed that besides the Treasurer, the Vice President would also be an authorized signer. Since more branches of Wells Fargo are within more members local areas, an account with Wells Fargo is going to be opened, by Stacy and Holly.
It was discovered that the affiliation form that we are supposed to file with the A.I.S. had not been submitted. This is a form that needs to be sent to the Past President of the A.I.S.. We need to have this on filed regularly in order to have A.I.S. sanctioned shows. It should be filled out in January of each year.
In order for us to be able to rent the MacMillan Auditorium for our annual Iris Sale, the Arboretum now requires that we have a 1M insurance policy to cover any potential accidents or injuries during the sale. The A.I.S. has an insurance waiver that is available for affiliates that covers this policy. Contact information is available in the American Iris Society publications. (Jack will take care of the affiliation form and the insurance waiver.)
In May it is being planned to go to the former Anderson Iris Garden to mark and dig irises. Stacy will be overseeing this along with Steve, for anyone who is willing to help with this project.
NEMMIG Tour and potting of Louisiana Irises will be on May 14th, starting at 9 am. This will give us a chance to see what is happening at the garden in terms of blooms and will give us the opportunity to get some of the Louisiana Irises thinned out to a more manageable number, as the bed has gotten out of hand. The rhizomes will need to be cleaned up and given a bleach soak before being potted up with commercial potting soil to reduce the likelihood of any jumping worms being present in the soil that is in the pots. It is asked that anyone who would like to participate could please sign up for the event.
It was brought to our attention that the Farmer’s Market address is not on the ISM website. It would be a good idea to include the address for those looking for the location. 629 NE 2nd St., Mpls. (The address will be added when dates are added to the calendar.)
Alicia has contacted Tatiana for coordinating making sign-ups available online for all the activities this year.
Holly is going to open her garden for touring on May 22nd 10am – 4pm.
Stacy is going to open her garden for touring on June 12th, 11am – 5pm.
Susan and Linda will be planning an awards and summer party for July 24th at Dave Beckman and Linda Horsmann’s home. This should be a fun social event, and Linda and Dave should have plenty of other flower blooms in their yard to wander thru to see.
Gary had an idea to see if we could have a sign installed at the Arboretum Iris Garden and/or NEMMIG that has a QR code on it so people could easily find our website for when they see irises that they are interested in adding to their own gardens. It could say something to the effect that “See and Iris you want? Go to www.irismn.net to see our sale dates.” With a QR code on the sign. This may be preferable to a flip top pamphlet box, which may cause more litter. Gary is interested in heading a committee with Steve K. and Alicia L. with some assistance from Holly to see if this can be done.
By-Law changes that Jeff will be working on will include that we have 2 people to sign checks, and that the President shall be able to spend up to $150 for items that were not budgeted for during the previous planning meeting.
Bill Turner is the Reblooming Chairperson for our region of the Reblooming Iris Society. He is asking that members who have reblooming irises keep records of when each cultivar blooms and reblooms, and send him that information, along with their name or location, so the Reblooming Iris Society can make the information available in their publication so people can have an idea which cultivars are more successful at having rebloom for their area. (An email was sent to members)
William Dougherty is planning to have an online presentation on how to prepare Irises for a show. Part of this also explains how to display the flowers so they are proportional to their display vase. He is also going to be having a Hybridizing Class for anyone interested in learning how new cultivars are created.
President’s Notes, March, 2022
Garden Visits - Got the day off? Maybe take a garden visit or two? It won’t be long now.
Many years ago, Jan said, “Why don’t we visit Alice Foss’s Gardens in Golden Valley? I had yellow and purple iris back then - from my mom and my grandparents.
At Alice’s garden, the first iris that caught my eye were black! They were the historical iris Congo Song and Swahili. That was the beginning of my love of iris and many trips around the country visiting iris gardens.
I started with local gardens like Joan Cooper’s in St. Paul who had mainly beardless iris. Then off to Gus and Char Sindts who grew mostly dwarf iris. Then I traveled to Duluth, Rochester and western Minnesota to see more.
And then the National iris Conversations, about 20 of them, starting in Pennsylvania, then Mom and I in Nebraska, and Mom, Jan and my sister in Atlanta. At the conventions, you get on a bus and spend three days visiting 6 to 10 gardens. Some are little city gardens. Others are forty acres like Schreiners.
In the 1990’s, we started the Tall Bearded Iris Society. That doubled the garden visits. Las Cruces, New Mexico, where this years convention will be held, here I come.
I want everyone to open their gardens in season. Messy or not- we are family -invite us!! B e sure to visit each other!
Just email with times we can visit your garden. Weekdays or weekend days. I’ll send the list with addresses out before mid May. Do not use the days for the two iris shows, May 28 and June 11, both Saturdays. Pick a date! Let me know.
As a guide, days for my peak bloom are as follows. Those who live south or near a big lake should subtract a few days.
Jack’s Peak Bloom:
Dwarf Iris. May 15-22
Intermediate Iris. May 20-28
Tall Bearded Iris. May 26-June 7
Siberian Iris. June 4- June 15
Spuria Iris. June 18- June 26
Louisiana Iris. Late June
Japanese Iris. July
So: Jack’s open garden dates
Week day, June 2, 3-8PM
Weekend, June 12, 10AM-6PM
Drinks provided
10930 Holly Lane No.
Maple Grove, MN 55369
Other Notes
ISM Spring Planning Meeting open to all
Sunday, April 3 at 2PM
Jack & Jack’ house or deck
10930 Holly Lane
Maple Grove, MM 55369
February 24, 2020. From the Star Tribune:
Riggs, Elsie M. age 81 of Coon Rapids, passed away Feb. 18th, 2020. Preceded in death by husband, William; and parents, Evan and Ada Allen. Survived by children, David, Teresa (William) Foushée and Gloria; siblings, Eva Heller, Richard Allen, Helen Riggs, Charlotte Jean Guse; and many beloved nieces, nephews and friends. Elsie was born August 16th, 1940 in Montezuma, IA. Elsie was a member of the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, University of Minnesota Extension Master Gardeners of Anoka County, Federated Garden Club of Minnesota (6th District), Minnesota State Horticultural Society (7th District), and the Soil and Sunshine Garden Club and numerous garden and plant related societies. Elsie made the world a more beautiful place by serving the community as a master gardener for more than 30 years. She mentored newcomers, volunteered her time and talent, and contributed significantly to make the master gardener program what it is today. As anyone who visited her garden knew, she loved all plants and flowers, but she especially loved daylilies, iris and hostas. She was loved dearly and will be missed. Memorial service 11 AM Tuesday, Mar. 1st at Andover Christian Church, 16045 Nightingale St. NW, Andover with visitation one hour prior at church. The service will be live-streamed on Facebook on the "Andover Christian Church" Facebook page (@andoverchurch). Visitation also to be held Monday evening 4-8 PM at the Washburn- McReavy Coon Rapids Chapel. Washburn-McReavy.com Coon Rapids Chapel 763-767-1000 1827 Coon Rapids Blvd.
Memories of Elsie from Gerry Moore
As Sunshine Chairperson, I have ordered a floral arrangement from Friends of ISM. Elsie was one of the first members Tim and I had the pleasure of meeting upon joining the club. She never missed an Iris Dig, Sale setup of sale for as long as we have been participating in the activities. For many years she would cook a crock pot dish to bring to the Dig or pick up the sandwiches for our lunch. I'll always remember Elsie being so diligent and bringing old sheets to cover the iris after set-up at the ARB. After each sale she would gather leftovers to take to her Master Gardeners group to sell rather, being sure ISM could earn as much as possible before disposing of the rhizomes. My last conversation with Elsie was early 2021 when I called to check up on her since Covid had disrupted our 2020 iris activities. Elsie shared that she wasn't driving much anymore and missed all the ISM activities and members. She cared so much about the club. Always cheerful and willing to give of her time. Rest in Peace, Elsie.... among the lilies and iris in heaven.
....Gerry Moore
President’s Notes — February, 2022
How did you get your first iris for your garden? Mine came from my Mom and her parents; my Grandparents. I assume that happens frequently. Maybe you got your iris from a neighbor. Now I see people order iris they see on Facebook. Sometimes that may not be a good idea unless you check into their hardiness.
Like others, I like to cut a few iris for the house. Mom put them on the kitchen table, I use the dining room. My sister picks the display table by her front door.
I hope you have the time and interest to bring iris to the iris society shows at Bachman’s in south Minneapolis May 28th and June 11th. Members and nonmembers may bring iris, named or unnamed. Someone will help you display your iris. Named plants will be judged by trained iris judges. Watch for details!
Also, we are planning an iris exhibition at the Como Park Conservatory on June 4th. The names of flowers and presenters will be listed. Flowers without names are welcomed. They are traditionally called “noids”, meaning not identified.
Other notes:
— The Iris Society of Minnesota Iris Shows are sponsored by the American Iris Society with its rules and judges. Iris “Exhibitions” are displays of iris and not part of the competitive shows. The public is invited to show and/or visit both the iris shows and exhibits.
— There will be an iris board meeting of the ISM in late March, probably at Jack Worel’s home on March 27th. (Watch for details and Covid conditions) — Holly Johnson will finish this month printing contact information of ISM members who gave their permission. Thanks Holly!!
— Happy Valentines Day!
—Visit “Events” on website: Iris Society of Minnesota, for pictures of Iris Shows.
Jack Worel
ISM President
President's Notes — December 2021
I’m sitting watching snow flakes and thinking about spring. It’s cold too. I guess I am not alone in getting sentimental this time of the year.
I’m thinking about iris I want to hybridize. After forty years, the fun doesn’t go away. I hear about others expressing interest too. I get pretty excited going out to see seedling bloom. Most of the seedlings are disappointing but still I can’t wait. When they start blooming, I seem to go out every hour to see what is new or to check on a flower again to see if I remember right about a flower I just looked at.
To hybridize, you just need a little paint brush, some tweezers, a pencil and some tags. Well maybe also a little knowledge and a dream. What if? What a small price for joy!
So set a goal. What does your dream iris look like? Pick good plants for parents. Believe me, you don’t want to get your dream flower with only 3 buds per stock. I have spent years trying to get rid of faults. A man by the name of Mendel has a book. Better still, Keith Keppel can tell you about plicatas, genes,etc.
You don’t have to get up early to hybridize. Pollen dries about the time the dew on the grass dries. It’s easiest for me to tear off a few petals so I can get at the stigma lip. Put pollen on both of the flowers you use. Then hope it doesn’t rain for a couple hours.
Make a tag with the name of the plant you put the pollen on and then add a plus (+) naming the parent that the pollen came from. In 3-5 days you may see a seed pod start to grow. In August, pick the pods when they start to crack open. Some hybridizers use mesh sacks to catch the seeds. Dry the seeds and then soak them, change the water and freeze them. Plant them outdoors in pots or plant indoors, using cups and tags. It is important to wash the seeds to remove dormant chemicals that protect the plant and resists germination.
We could have a class on hybridizing this spring if there is interest.
Have a joyful holiday season!
Jack Worel
Post Notes:
- We will post a schedule for ISM events for the new year soon.
- Katerina Bergeron has agreed to be our new R.V.P. (Region Vice President for Region 8 of the American Iris Society) for the next two years. We alternate with Wisconsin for representation. |
October 12, 2021
The ISM Annual Membership meeting was held on Zoom on Oct. 9, 2021.
Minutes of the 2021 Membership Meeting
The 2021 ISM annual meeting was called to order by President Tatiana Allen at 1 PM on Saturday, October 9, 2021, on Zoom. Members attending: Tatiana Allen, Holly Johnson, Marte Hult, Stacy Aderman, Rick Aderman, Jack Worel, Tim Moore, Gerry Moore, William Dougherty, Jeff Allen, Jen Schumann, Steve Krahn, Susan Krahn, Bill Turner, Gary Klimmek, and Katerina Bergeron.
Secretary Marte Hult read the meeting agenda:
Iris Society of Minnesota Annual Meeting
10-9-2021 AGENDA
- Call to Order
- Secretary: Reading and approval of agenda
- Secretary: Reading and approval of previous meeting (2019) minute + synopsis of 2020
- General Election: Nominations and voting on open positions
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- 3 Directors
- Reports from Committee Chairs:
- Membership & Website Chair report: Marte Hult
- Arboretum & NEMMIG Liaison report: Holly Johnson
- Digs Chair report: Holly Johnson
- Learning & Development Chair report: Tim Moore
- Sunshine & Condolences Chair report: Gerry Moore
- Anderson Iris Gardens Rescue Project Report: Stacy Aderman
- Treasurer Report: Stacy Aderman (see Budget & Sales report attachments)
- Review 2020-21 Financial & Sales report
- Vote on 2021-22 Budget
- New Business:
- Call for Committee Chairs (each committee chair position appointed for 1 year)
- Parliamentarian
- Member Engagement/ Activities Chair & Committee
- Learning & Development Chair & Committee
- Media Relations (Advertising) Chair & Committee
- Iris Show(s) Chair
- Volunteer Coordinator
- Arboretum & NEMMIG Liaison
- NEMMIG Webmaster
- Librarian (New for 2021)
- Bylaws Amendment Chair & Committee
Discuss Proposed 2021 Dates and Finalize Schedule
- Discuss Holiday party
- Does anyone want to organize an Awards Banquet/Party in July?
- Entertain Calls for New Business From the Floor
Move to approve agenda by Tatiana Allen and seconded by Bill Turner. Agenda approved by voice vote.
Secretary Marte Hult summarized the 2019 annual meeting (see Oct. 28, 2019 below) and the very shortened email meeting of 2020 (see Oct. 19, 2020 below.) Tatiana moved to approve the minutes and Stacy seconded. Minutes approved by voice vote.
Election of officers: Due to the format of the meeting, Jack moved that votes for candidates be voice votes. This was seconded by Tatiana and carried by the membership. The recommended nominations:
The Nominees are as follows:
- Vice President
- Holly Johnson (Incumbent)
- Treasurer
- Stacy Aderman (Incumbent)
- Secretary
- Marte Hult (Incumbent)
- Director
- Rick Aderman (Incumbent)
- Director
- Alicia LaMunion (Incumbent)
There were no nominations from the floor, and all candidates were elected unanimously by voice vote.
Reports from Committee Chairs
2021 Membership Report by Marte Hult
"During 2021 we had an increase of ten members in our Society membership. As of this date, October 9, we have 112 current members. Many of this year’s new members signed up at the Arb sale.
However, member outreach continues to be a problem. The email announcing this annual meeting had a 47% open rate, which means that only about half of our members read the invitation. The highest open rate this year was 65% for the April Monkey survey entitled “Member Responses Needed.” The Memorial Day Open House email had a 57% open statistic. Our 90 day open average is 50%. Two years ago, Harry suggested that we use text messaging instead of emails, and Elsie Riggs suggested using US mail. At that time, Alicia described a service called Dial My Calls and she was going to explore that option further. It was also decided at that time that future enrollment forms could include an opt-in to be contacted by text. None of this has been implemented yet, undoubtedly the pandemic has played a role in our inaction on this front. We do have some member participation on our social media sites, especially our Facebook Forum page. I do feel that we have under utilization of our website, which brings me to the website report.
Website Report by Marte Hult
As the webmaster of our website, I do get frustrated when I see queries on the FB page about items that are easily answered on the calendar page of our website. The calendar is updated immediately there is a change or addition, and is the most reliable place to get current information.
Members have been encouraged in the past to submit news or photos to the website but this almost never happens either. We do get occasional questions from the general public on iris topics and try to answer to the best of our ability or forward requests to an appropriate party.
I do not have exact visitor statistics at this time because I no longer receive the monthly reports from the website, and I have asked Mary Wickersham to forward that information to me, but have not received it yet. Even though I do the daily maintenance on the website, Mary has the control of the domain and pays the annual website fee. It is cheaper for us because it is bundled with other sites that Mary controls. I would encourage members to submit material for the website; this could include photos of your gardens or amusing anecdotes or other written original materials that I would publish in the News and Views section."
There was discussion about adding an option for using credit cards on the website to enroll new members/ renewing dues. Marte will check on this with Mary.
Arboretum Report 2021
by Holly Johnson
"I am happy to report that the replanting of most of the Siberian Iris, and the subsequent amendments to that bed has resulted in much better bloom and growth for the clumps that are in areas that were reworked.
The Japanese bed was dug out last fall, by the Arboretum staff, due to a heavy infestation of cattails. Unfortunately, they were replanted late in the year, some suffered due to the late planting, and a few were lost entirely. I will have a better idea of how many need to be added to the bed next year.
There are still several spaces that are currently empty in the Arboretum Garden, and they could use about 20-25 more cultivars of Bearded Iris to fill those spaces. This is a task for the Iris Society to be able to keep the garden filled with different cultivars. If anyone can donate some next year, it would help to get these spaces planted. The main stipulation is that they are not already planted at the Arboretum, and Tall, Border and Miniature Dwarf Bearded classes would be preferred. If you think you might have something to add, let me know, and I will double check the inventory list.
Hopefully we can get some issues worked through with some communication with the Arboretum, over the next few weeks. Unfortunately, some are due to a higher power at the Arboretum than we have usual communication with, and because the Arboretum can get premium prices for rental areas, due to a high interest in having weddings out there, the pricing structure may not get any better for us. The question is, do we want to pay the higher price to continue having the sale at the Arboretum, or do we want to find another location for our annual sale?"
2021 NEMMIG Report by Holly Johnson
"The garden at the Northeast Minneapolis Municipal Iris Garden, had a great bloom season this year, as evidenced by the number of people who have made comments on the Facebook page, and visitors that stop by, when we are working on the beds, to comment how much they enjoyed the iris blooms. What makes this public garden possible is the volunteer hours by our members and other interested parties, to keep the beds in good shape through regular weeding.
Since one of the biggest issues with NEMMIG is the weeding, and we are not allowed to use chemicals to keep them in check, I have been looking to the Presby Memorial Iris Garden, as a guide to help us with our public garden. They too are not allowed to use chemicals in their gardens, but they keep it looking beautiful. I am going to see what their cultural practices are out there to help give us more tips. The biggest difference I see, from their photos, is that they have better spacing between the cultivars. Because of that, I am working on trying to reduce the number of Iris cultivars in the beds, mostly removing ones that are already grown at the Arboretum, so there is a bit more space between clumps, making it easier to use long handled implements to keep young weeds in check, thereby reducing the number of hours it takes to weed an entire bed. This will only work well if we can, get some volunteers to step forward to run a hoe through all the beds on a regular basis. I timed myself doing just that, the other day, and it only takes about 2-1/2 hours to hoe thru all the beds at one time. If we can do this on a weekly basis, the garden should need relatively little hand pulling in comparison to years past. We need to remember that this garden is an impression on our club and the proceeds from the sales of the extra iris help to make it possible for us to do more for our members. So, if any members can spend even an hour or two to help keep the garden looking its best, it would be greatly appreciated.
We did have a few clumps that succumbed to Scorch this year; why this happened is unknown. It is very important when using tools in these areas, to clean and sanitize them before working on the next, to prevent any spread of disease, or using different tools all together.
I would like to thank Christopher Bolin for spending countless hours taking photos of all the irises in bloom this year. It is a huge project to undertake, being as you must have a way to be able to identify all the different cultivars. He really did a great job capturing some beautiful images of the irises. His efforts will go a long way to helping to verify the identity of the iris, and it will give us more beautiful photos to add to the NEMMIG website. He did find a few that were not correct for what we had planted them as, and those were removed as much as possible. It is important to remember that even though one may receive an iris as a particular cultivar, it could be incorrect, and new irises should always be double checked for identity.
More See Fine Flower Markers need to be purchased to replace the original markers that are failing in the garden. We also need to have a few extras to replace those that become damaged over time. I would suggest another 251 of the 26” markers @ $1.35 ea. plus shipping."
2021 Dig Chair Report
by Holly Johnson
"This year’s dig at the Arboretum was a little different than in the past. The Arboretum had Scott Stanley and several interns do nearly all the digging, and I did my best to instruct them before being sent off to dig out 25 clumps of irises that were in more than one location. Due to this, there was only trimming, marking, and washing of the irises to be done at our annual dig, and unfortunately some of the interns trimmed some of the iris we were dividing way too short making it difficult to get some written on. I will know more about how next year’s dig will look after having a chance to meet with David Stevenson in the next couple of weeks. Hopefully the dig will be a little more normal, and we won’t run into the issues of the past year.
The dig at NEMMIG was a teaching moment. It made me realize that if there is rain in the forecast, that we need to see if we can pre-dig the irises, so the digging won’t be as messy, and we don’t risk our members getting sick in the process. Because of the rain, it really increased the amount of processing time; wet leaves make it extremely difficult to get the names written on the iris increasing the time and frustration to get them labeled. Next year, we need to have a focus on the Louisiana bed to get the clumps under control, even if it means digging them at a time different from the regular dig date. I would like to get some terrace board put between the clumps to help prevent the different cultivars from intermingling as they spread their rhizomes during growth."
There was discussion about whether the jumping worms situation would complicate next year's dig. No information about this yet.
Learning & Development Chair Report by Tim Moore
There were no events this year, primarily because of the pandemic
Sunshine & Condolences Report by Gerry Moore
There were two instances for flowers, a hospitalization and a funeral.
Anderson Iris Gardens Rescue Project Report by Stacy Aderman
Stacy reported that the Anderson Iris Gardens, one ot the last Minnesota iris gardens, closed and after several sales of the property, the new owners contacted the Iris Society to rescue the irises.
The irises are a frightful mess right now, overgrown and jumbled together. There are very few labels and it is difficult to ascertain to which clump they may belong. Stacy, Rick, Jack and Tatiana spent a day working at the site, and they will go back in the spring, but will require many, many helpers.
Treasurer's Report by Stacy Aderman
Stacy reviewed the financial report, which was shared with members at the meeting, and then the budget proposal was reviewed line by line with increases for the Sunshine fund, the Arb rental fee, coverage of President's trip to convention, and the storage locker. Following discussion, Stacy moved to approve the budget and Bill Turner seconded. The motion passed by voice vote.
New Business
Call for Committee Chairs
Chairs are appointed by the President without voting, and after discussion and questions the following people stepped up to accept committee chairmanships and committee membership:
Parliamentarian: Jeff Allen
Member Engagement/Activities Chair: Susan Krahn
Education Ch. and Committee: Wm. Dougherty, Tim Moore, Marte Hult
Media Relations: Ch. Tatiana Allen, Holly Johnson,Stacy Aderman
Iris Show/s Chair: Ch. Bill Turner, Jack Worel, Wm. Dougherty
Volunteer Coordinator:
Arb & NEMMIG liaison: Ch. Holly Johnson, Tatiana Allen, Gary Klimmek, Jack Worel
NEMMIG webmaster: Holly Johnson, Tatiana Allen, Jeff Allen
Librarian (new position): Ch. Steve Krahn, Holly Johnson, Marte Hult
Bylaws Amendment: Ch. Jeff Allen, Jack Worel, Tatiana Allen, Gary Klimmek
Iris Auction Committee: Ch. Stacy Aderman, Steve Krahn, Holly Johnson
Sales Committee: Ch. Holly Johnson, Jen Schumann, Stacy Aderman
Dig Committee: Ch. Holly Johnson, Stacy Aderman, Rick Aderman, Bill Turner, Jen Schumann
Holiday Party
Katerina Bergenon volunteered to help plan the holiday party, which is tentatively scheduled for Dec. 5th at the Dave and Linda Horsmann residence. Jack Worel explained that the site has a large ventilated and heated pole barn type structure and that there could also be an outside bonfire for those reluctant to be indoors.
2021-22 Proposed Dates for the Calendar
See Calendar page for tentative dates. Subject to change depending on CDC guidance.
After a three and a half hour meeting, Stacy moved to adjourn the meeting with a second by Holly.
Tatiana adjourned the meeting at 4:30 PM.
This SDB iris, Baby Blessed, was blooming in Tim and Gerry Moore's garden on the day of the meeting.
October 19, 2020
The following email was sent to members on this date in 2020:
Dear ISM members,
I'm sorry to report the 2020 Annual meeting is canceled. The 2020 financial reports were delayed because of a change in personnel, which made holding the meeting problematic, as the main thing we do at that meeting is discuss the year's spending and coming year's budget. However, there also was not enough interest to hold a virtual meeting, as I only received one RSVP. Thus, the ISM board has voted to do the following:
1) Approve the 2020 budget for 2021.
2) Extend Holly Johnson's term for Vice President (which was set to expire in 2020) to expire November 2021.
Wishing you all good health and happiness, until we meet again amongst the irises next year.
Tatiana Allen
President, Iris Society of Minnesota
October 28, 2019
The ISM Annual Membership Meeting was held Saturday, Oct. 19, 2019.
Minutes of the 2019 Membership Meeting
Call to order: An annual meeting of the Iris Society of Minnesota was held at the Eastside Co-op in Minneapolis on October 19, 2019. The meeting convened at 1:30 PM, President Tatiana Allen presiding and Marte Hult, recording in absence of Secretary Andrea Luck. The meeting agenda was approved.
Members in attendance: Tatiana Allen, Holly Johnson, Elsie Riggs, Marte Hult, Stacy Aderman, Rick Aderman, Shyann Aderman, Katerina Bergeron, Alicia La Munion, Jack Worel, Bill Turner, Jeff Allen, Harry Lefto, Sue Christensen, Kim Fealy.
Approval of Minutes: Marte Hult read the minutes of the 2018 annual meeting. Tatiana moved the minutes be approved, motion was seconded and carried.
General Election: Nominations and Voting on 2-year-term officer positions.
Tatiana nominated Stacy Aderman as Treasurer. Seconded by Holly Johnson. No further nominations. Approved unanimously.
Tatiana nominated Marte Hult as Secretary. Seconded by Katerina. No further nominations. Approved unanimously.
Marte nominated Tatiana Allen for reelection as President. Seconded by Katerina. No further nominations. Approved unanimously.
Tatiana nominated Bill Turner and Alicia La Munion for reelection as Directors. Seconded by Rick and Stacy respectively. Approved unanimously.
Stacy nominated Rick for a Director position. Seconded by Holly. Approved unanimously.
Board and Committee Reports:
Membership and Website Chair Report: Marte Hult reviewed the membership statistics, showing growth of 21 members from 2018 to 2019. She reviewed statistics that suggest outreach to members remains a concern, since email campaigns generally only result in approximately 60% of members opening sent emails. Harry suggested using text messaging instead of email, and Elsie suggested mailing via US mail. A general discussion of how to increase member participation followed, including discussion of social media pages. Alicia described a service called Dial My Calls, which automatically can send calls and texts. She will explore this option further, and future membership enrollment forms may include an opt-in to be contacted by text.
The website report showed a spike in hits in December with average daily visits varying from 101 to a high of 471, most probably because of search engine image hits.
NEMMIG Liaison Report: Tatiana Allen reported that it was a challenging second season for NEMMIG, largely because of lack of promised assistance from ground-keeping staff, who did not apply Preen or provide weeding assistance this year. Blooms were amazing with non-stop displays of large clumps of flowers. There was a lot of rot in the spring so the golf course was asked to turn off the sprinklers. There were not enough volunteers for weeding so the volunteers we did have almost burned out. There will be an effort to secure a better partnership between the iris garden and the park board, or the garden will fail. Twenty six new cultivars were added to the garden, donated by Schreiner’s. We did manage to document each bloom on the NEMMIG facebook page.
Arboretum Liaison Report: Holly Johnson. The Iris garden has appointed a new gardener, Scott Stanley, who is very enthused about getting them in tip top shape. After the dig, he amended the areas where we removed iris, and the plantings from this year’s dig are looking pretty good this fall. The area of the Siberian bed that was amended last year has grown very nicely, and those cultivars were already producing better blooms than the older established clumps in that main bed where the soil has not been amended. In the bearded iris beds, there are many blank spots that still need to be filled. We did add 17 new cultivars into the garden; some were brought over from the Northeast Iris Garden, and Jack Worel and Traci Skinner-Rowlett donated some for planting. Unfortunately, we still have many empty spots. There are also many secondary clumps at the Arboretum that the curator would like to see replaced with something different. At current count, we need about 50 cultivars for replenishing the garden. The Iris Society members have usually provided the iris for replanting, but if necessary, we may have to look at buying some iris to fill these spots, using money from the sales. It is preferred that the cultivars added to the garden have earned at least some sort of award, even Honorable Mentions, or are very new introductions. We should concentrate on adding either Tall Bearded, Border Bearded or Miniature Dwarf Bearded classifications, since we have plenty of the other classifications, and the Tall Bearded iris are our best sellers at the Sales. If anyone has a cultivar from the other classifications, they should be top award winners for their classes to warrant making space for them. This is a lot of irises to buy and it would be helpful if we could get several members to donate 5 rhizomes each of cultivars that are not currently planted at the Arboretum. Holly had the current list of all iris that are planted at the Arboretum sent to all members, so that everyone could see what cultivars are already there. We could plant more from the Northeast Iris garden, but doing so would reduce the number of different cultivars that we will be able to provide on a regular basis during our sales, and it may result in a lot of rhizomes of the same cultivar being dug at the same time. In the past, many of our members have obtained some newer introductions during the auctions held during the digs and sales at bargain prices. It would be appreciated if members could donate increases from any of these newer cultivars, even if they aren’t award winners, provided they have been introduced after 2000, after 2010 would even be better. Holly asks that all iris that are donated are verified as to their identity, so that they will not need to be removed at a later date. Holly has worked a lot of long hot hours in the Arboretum Iris garden to make sure that what is planted out there is correctly identified, and it doesn’t take long to verify the identity of the cultivars that are grown in a home garden. Just mark them when they are blooming.
In another matter, starting in 2020, the Arboretum will be charging us to use the McMillan Auditorium. It will cost us $382.50 per day, and Friday night would be an extra charge. The Arb will allow us to do an Early Saturday Morning set-up, but there would be an additional fee of $65 per hour to enter the room earlier than 7:30am. Holly verified that Saturday and Sunday, August 15th and 16th are still available, but Friday the 14th was already booked for an event, so set up would have to be Saturday Morning. The other option at the Arboretum is to have the sale in one of their outbuilding shelters near where they hold the Art in The Park, for no charge. At last contact with the Daffodil Society, they would be willing to share 1/3 of the cost of the room, at least for this coming year, but they are going to be looking at different alternatives for the 2021 season.
General discussion followed Holly’s report, including ways to fill spots; clumps vs. individual cultivars. Harry wondered why there were so many individual irises instead of large clumps. Holly will talk with the Arb about getting bigger clumps, but the Arb is intended to be a display garden. Katerina doubted that any members would be able to contribute 5 rhizomes of a high quality iris. Jack suggested contacting hybridizers, especially new ones, to see if they would
donate to the Arboretum. He will do this. It was agreed that the cost to rent the Arb room is worth it, since sales are so good there. We will pay the room rental instead of donating a cash gift to the Arboretum as we have done in the past. Bill wondered if there are any spurias at the Arb. Holly replied that there are some, maybe half a dozen.
Digs Chair Report: Holly Johnson. There was a great turnout of members at the Arboretum for the 2019 Dig. For future events we need people to sign up ahead of time so we can have an idea as to how much help we can expect on the day of the event. Because only about 9 people had pre-registered, Holly thought we were going to be short-handed and she took it upon herself to dig out some of the iris early and get them partially processed so there would be a jump on things the day of the dig. Holly was very glad that about 20 members did show up for the dig, making the rest of the day go smoothly. The 2019 dig resulted in a little over 100 different cultivars being dug and processed.
Holly also wanted to give a special thanks to Jack Worel, Jennifer Pottebaum, Jean Ahlers, and Stacy Aderman for coming to her house on the Thursday before the sale, to package over 30, 5-gallon buckets of Siberian and Louisiana Iris. Without their help it would never have been completed on time. Because of difficulty in re-watering after packaging, Holly proposes that moving forward, we pack the Siberian and Louisiana Iris in damp peat moss for all future sales.
All in total, for the first day of the sale at the Arboretum, there were over 220 different cultivars to offer to the public. None of this would have been possible if not for the time volunteered by our club members. Thank you to all who participated, to make the digs and sales a success!
Shows Chair Report: Alicia La Munion reported that the June 1 Show turnout was good. There were 84 different cultivars. Queen of the Show, Daughter of Stars, was entered by Robert Reed. Holly Johnson earned the most blue ribbons (10), followed by Marte Hult (7). Holly and Marte received AIS medals. There was a short discussion about 2020 show dates and the difficulty of choosing dates with our erratic weather patterns.
Learning and Development Chair Report: Tim Moore. No report was submitted.
Sunshine and Condolences Chair Report: Gerry Moore. Katerina reported that there were only two expenses for sunshine flowers this year. Within budget.
Arboretum Chair Sales Report: Bill Turner began by thanking everyone who participated in making the sale a success. Sales figures are included in the Treasurer’s
report. A discussion followed: the use of credit cards likely increased sales by a goodly amount, two weddings on Sunday impacted Sunday sales because it was difficult to maneuver through the area. The weddings were moved inside because of rain, but there would not have been as many people at the Arb on a rainy day anyway. There were not enough handouts; we ran out of them. There was a discussion of having color coded signs to identify irises of different types, but a lack of room. Descriptions could be hung along with pictures of irises in clumps, rather than individual when possible.
Treasurer Report (Handouts): Katerina Bergeron went over the balances, income and expenses. Income exceeded expenses this year. The ending balance was $20,285.03 plus a CD maturing in April 2020 for $5483.49. Katerina summarized the current and proposed budget. There is an increase in Art in Bloom in order to sponsor two entrants,
an increase in amount budgeted for the President to attend the national convention, an increased amount for buying auction irises (the auctions actually made money, which was not the intent!), an increase in food budget for the dig, an increase in Arb liaison and ISM club membership, additional budget items of a member bus tour and storage unit rental, and T-shirts, and since we are not sure how much the Arb fees will be, Katerina moved that we increase the Arb room rental amount to $1000. This was seconded by Holly and motion passed. There was a short discussion about the bus tour. Tatiana moved that the budget be approved as amended and Stacy seconded. Motion passed.
New Business
Call for Committee Chairs (each position appointed for 1 year):
Parliamentarian (new for 2020) Tatiana nominated Jeff, Bill seconded. Motion passed
Member Engagement/Activities Chair & Committee (new for 2020). Position Open
Learning and Development Chair & Committee. Alicia will serve on committee but not Chair. Chair Position Open.
Media Relations (Advertising) Chair. Position Open
Iris Show/s Chair. Alicia volunteered.
Volunteer Coordinator. Alicia agreed to continue in this position, Kim on committee.
NEMMIG Webmaster. Holly volunteered.
Proposed 2020 Calendar
Many of the dates on the proposed calendar are tentative. No 2020 calendar will be posted on the website until dates are finalized.
Holiday Party
Alicia will organize the Holiday Party. Discussion centered on location and dates. Most members prefer that the party be pot-luck but most venues will not allow renters of their facilities to bring their own food. Katerina will check with Eagan community center. Marte will check with Plymouth Creek Center. No one volunteered to organize/ plan an awards banquet/party in July.
New Business from the Floor
Jack would like an additional traveling trophy for the early Show winner. Show expenses are
budgeted and he will purchase this trophy.
Bill asked for the dates for the 2020 national convention at Presby. May 19-23, 2020.
Stacy explained the daylily society “Adoption” program. Volunteers who work at two or three events receive a new cultivar and when the plant increases, the adopter keeps one division and the others are returned to the society. This would be a way to increase participation and also add to the collection at the Arboretum. Everyone agreed this would be a good idea. Stacy moved that the budget be amended to include $300 for adoption irises and Rick seconded. Motion passed. Jeff moved that a new committee be added: the Adoption committee. Bill seconded. Motion carried.
Katerina moved that in order to get 50% discount at sales, volunteers need to have attended at least two events or activities. All other members would receive 10% discount. Tatiana seconded. Motion carried. It was agreed that it would not be necessary to track since active members know who is active in the society.
Holly suggested purchasing more signage (two sided) for Arboretum sales to be posted on the grounds. There is money in the budget for this.
Jack moved to adjourn the meeting. Stacy seconded. The meeting was adjourned by Tatiana at 3:50 PM. Everyone who attended the meeting received door prizes (iris gift certificates) worth from $25-$50. Thanks also to those who brought great snacks! (or should we say lunch?)
May 27, 2019
Annual Iris Society of MN Juried Iris Show
The Annual Iris Show is to be held on Saturday, June 1st, 2019 in The Heritage Room of Bachman’s at 6010 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55419. Set up will start at 8am, and judging will take place from 10 AM until noon. Public viewing hours are from 12pm - 4PM. Anyone who grows a named iris may participate! Just cut your iris in the morning and bring it from 8 AM to 10 AM, and we will help you display it for judging! Show schedule
February 14, 2019
Happy Valentine's Day! Jack Worel has written an overview for Region 8 on how to become an iris judge! Perhaps you would be interested? Jack's instructions:
Region 8 American Iris Society
STUDENT: To become a student, join AIS, take 10 hours Judges Training over 3 years as a student and notify your RVP or training coordinator.
1. Get recommendation of 5 judges (form provided)
2. Give list of 10 hours training as a student to your training coordinator.
3. Get a Judges Handbook
4. Be a member of AIS for three years.
1. All duties or requirements to be completed in 3 years.
2. Judge seedlings and named iris in the garden under two judges,
two hours each.
3. Take 10 hours additional Judges training (keep track)
4. Make sure 2 hours of training is for Awards & Balloting, if not taken
as a student.
5. Filll out Regional activity report each year (August 1-July 31)
6. Fill out practice ballot that is sent each year.
7. Apprentice with a Judge judging 2 iris shows.
The Regional Vice President or the Regional coordinator will recommend you to become an Exhibition and Garden Judge, which is approved at an AIS fall board meeting in November.
For help or additional information contact: Jack Worel, 10930 Holly Lane, Osseo, MN 55369. jworel@aol.com
8** Remember to keep records of your work!
April 29, 2018
There are so many great ISM events coming up this spring and summer. Volunteers are needed for the following:
1. Iris Society of MN at Northeast Minneapolis Farmers Market!
The Iris Society of MN will have an information booth at the Northeast Minneapolis Farmers Market on Saturday, May 19th, From 9 AM to 1 PM. Stop by and get more information about growing irises and the newly planted Minneapolis Iris Gardens, and talk to experts about your iris questions! It is the opening day of the market, and there is also a fun run scheduled. Location: St. Boniface Church Parking Lot; 629 2nd St. NE., Minneapolis, MN 55413
We will also have a booth here on June 9, August 25, September 1, and September 8. We will sell plants and rhizomes at the booth, with members getting half of the price and the ISM the other half. A good way to get rid of your extra irises, make a little money, and help your society. Let us know if you can volunteer or if you have plants to sell.
2. Northeast Minneapolis Municipal Iris Gardens Inaugural Iris Show and Opening Ceremony
The Northeast Minneapolis Municipal Iris Gardens, which were planted last summer at Columbia Park by the Iris Society of Minnesota in cooperation with the Minneapolis Park Board, will have its first bloom season this spring. A juried Iris Show and Mayoral ribbon cutting ceremony is planned for Sunday, May 20, 2018. The ribbon cutting ceremony will take place at noon outside in the Gardens, weather permitting. The juried Iris Show will be held concurrently inside the Manor, in the fireplace room. Anyone who grows a named iris may cut and bring their irises from 8-10am to display and compete in the iris show. Participation is free and fun! Judging will take place at 10am. The Iris show will open for public viewing at noon, following the ribbon cutting and Mayor Frey’s remarks. Cake donated by Lund’s will be served, and there will be an Iris coloring station set up for artists of all ages. Show schedule here.
Follow the Iris Gardens on Facebook and get a sneak peek at what's blooming before you go! https://www.Facebook.com/NEMMIG
Event Address:
Columbia Manor- 3300 Central Ave NE. Minneapolis MN 55418
Event Date:
Sunday, May 20th, 12pm to 4pm
3. Annual Iris Society of MN Juried Iris Show
The Annual Iris Show is to be held on Saturday, June 2nd, 2018 in The Heritage Room of Bachman’s at 6010 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55419. Set up will start at 8am, and judging will take place from 10 AM until noon. Public viewing hours are from 12pm - 4PM. Anyone who grows a named iris may participate! Just cut your iris in the morning and bring it from 8 AM to 10 AM, and we will help you display it for judging! Show schedule here.
6010 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55419
Saturday, June 2nd, 2018 8am-4pm
4. Get Sociable for the Iris Gardens!
Swing on by Sociable Cider Werks, official community partner to the NE Minneapolis Municipal Iris Gardens, Thursday, June 7, 4-9pm, and meet Iris lovers and ask questions of Iris experts while having a pint or two of delicious hard cider, and you will help support the Iris Gardens! It's the easiest volunteer shift you’ll ever work. Iris Society of MN will have a table set up to answer all of your burning questions, and T-shirts in multiple colors will be for sale.
When? Thursday, June 7, 4-9pm
5. Iris Society of Minnesota annual iris dig
Saturday August 11 7 AM - 2 PM at the Arboretum
6. Iris Society of Minnesota Annual Iris Sale!
"Iris"- from the Greek "Rainbow". Love irises? Come to the Arboretum August 18 and 19 for the unique opportunity to purchase a RAINBOW of colors of rarely seen rhizomes divided from the Arboretum's collection! Bonus: if you sign up at the sale to be a member of the Iris Society of Minnesota, you can participate in the members-only silent auction featuring new introductions! Membership is a bargain at only $10 for two years. Print a membership application here.
Minnesota Landscape Arboretum
3675 Arboretum Dr, Chaska, MN 55318
Saturday, August 18, 9am-4pm
Sunday, August 19, 10am-4pm
7. Iris Society of Minnesota at the State Fair!
The Iris Society of Minnesota will once again have a booth at the Minnesota State Fair in the Horticulture building. Stop by and see us demonstrate how to divide your iris rhizomes, ask any questions you may have, and walk away with a free rhizome to put in your own garden (While supplies last)!
Minnesota State Fair Horticulture Building
1271 Underwood St, Falcon Heights, MN 55108
Thursday, August 23, 9 AM to 9 PM
Friday, August 24, 9 AM to 9 PM
3 shifts per day with two volunteer spots per shift:
-9am to 1pm
-1pm to 5pm
-5pm to 9pm
Volunteeers will get paid admission to the fair plus $10 lunch money.
8. Iris BOGO Sale at NEMMIG
Part two of our annual iris sale, this is where you will find the real iris bargains! All of the rhizomes we have left from our annual sale at the Arboretum will be buy one, get one free, and admission is free to attend this sale. All proceeds go towards growing and maintaining the NE Minneapolis Municipal Iris Gardens. Sunday, August 26th 9am- 3pm (or until supplies last). Fireplace room in Columbia Manor- 3300 Central Ave NE. Minneapolis MN 55418
Find out more about the Iris Gardens:
April 8, 2018
During the spring and summer of 2017, Holly Johnson, ISM and board member, spent countless hours photographing the irises in bloom
at the University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. Holly uploaded these photos to our facebook page where they were enjoyed by many. Now these photos are also available on this website. Her photos of MDB, BB, IB, MTB, SIB, SPU, and JI have been integrated into the pages of photos that were already on the site. The SDB and TB pictures are shown separately on the SDB and TB pages, here and here. Thank you so much Holly for your many hours of work documenting the iris holdings at the Arboretum.
August 10, 2017
Please see the events page for a photo of the 2017 Queen of the Show. After being informed that a seedling could not be selected Best in Show, the judges awarded this honor to I. Tectorum alba which was entered by Jenn Lanz. Due to some technical difficulties with this website, this notice was delayed until now! Our apologies.
June 13, 2017
The annual iris show was held on June 3 and there are a few photos here, but for many more pictures please see our Facebook Forum page.
Iris Society of Minnesota Forum
Our member, Holly Johnson, has posted hundreds of photos from the show and also photos from irises blooming at the Arboretum. Some of these irises are NOIDS. Take a look and see if you can help to identify them.
Thanks to Holly for hours of work on these projects.
February 1, 2017
The Iris Society of Minnesota is once again sponsoring Cindy Soule in the Art in Bloom event at the Minneapolis Institute of Art. Cindy writes:
"I have a friend I am mentoring so I will be doing two designs this year. The one titled "Untitled" in Gallery 375 will be the one featuring iris. The other one "The Intrigue" in Gallery 371 will be the one I am doing with my friend. Both works of art are in the Modern and Contemporary galleries on the 3rd floor.
I will be doing set up on Wednesday April 26 between 9 am and 2 pm. Wednesday is set up day and it is the least crowded day to see the floral designs... Iris society members are welcome to come and watch the designs in progress on Wednesday or attend at any other times April 27-April 30.
Below are images of the art works I will be interpreting.
Thank you to the Iris Society of Minnesota for sponsoring my participation in Art in Bloom 2017."
by Beauford Delaney
The Intrigue
by James Ensor
January 15, 2017
The annual holiday party was a big success! See photos here.
January 10, 2017
Reblooming iris did very well in the fall of 2016 in many of our gardens. Jack Worel has shared this list of irises that rebloomed for him and when they bloomed:
Again & Again, yellow TB — Aug, Sept, Oct
Autumn Jester, purple IB — July, Aug, Sept
Autumn Tryst, purple & gray TB — Sept, Oct, Nov
Champagne Encore, punch yellow MTB — Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov
Early Harvest, shades of brown BB — Sept
Eramosa Skies, violet MTB — Aug
Eternal Summer, spec., purple TB — July through Nov
Forever Blue, blue SDB — Nov
Juiced Up, yellow-orange SDB — Nov
Low Ho Silver, white IB — Sept, Oct, Nov
Mid-Summer Night's Dream, dark purple IB — Sept, Oct
Misty Twilight, grayed blue-white TB — Sept, Oct
Queen Dorothy, purple plicata on white TB — Sept, Oct, Nov
Red Revival, red, brown, yellow TB — Sept, Oct
Rosaly Figgie, dark purple TB — Sept, Oct, Nov
Unbelievable Love, light blue TB — Sept, Oct, Nov
Zurich, white TB — Sept, Oct, Nov
January 10, 2017
The Iris Society of Minnesota received an award from the Horticultural Society for an exhibit at the 2016 Minnesota State Fair. Here is the copy of the letter. It was accompanied by a $30 check.. Good work, Tatiana Allen and all who helped at the State Fair booth!
November 21, 2016
Member Holly Johnson has written a comprehensive review of the Schafer/Sacks presentation. Read about it here.
October 5, 2016
American Iris Society Region 8 Fall meetings are Saturday Nov. 5 in Madison WI and Sunday Nov. 6 in Minneapolis.
We are very fortunate this year to have as our speakers, Marty Schafer and Jan Sacks, owners of Joe Pye Weed Garden in Massachusetts. Joe Pye Weed's Garden supplies Iris Versicolor, Siberian Iris, and Species and interspecies hybrids. Marty and Jan are leading experts on species iris and are among the elite Siberian Iris hybridizers working today. Their presentation will be on their hybridizing program and will include one hour of judges' training on Species Iris.
Sunday November 6 in Minneapolis starting at 11 AM. Bachman's Flagship Store and Corporate Office, Heritage Room 6010 Lyndale Avenue South, Minneapols MN 55419
November 23, 2016
The annual meeting on November 21 at Byerly's in St. Louis Park was well attended. It was great to see several new members at the meeting. The membership approved the 2016 amended budget and selected officers for two year terms. President Michelle Dreier and Treasurer Tim Moore agreed to serve an additional two years. Andrea Luck will assume the Secretary post, and Tatiana Allen replaces Elsie Riggs as an at-large board member. Thanks to Katerina
Bergeron and Elsie Riggs for serving ISM.
Plans are being made for a holiday party, which will take place in January.
May 11, 2015
Members are preparing for the annual iris show at Bachman's. See the show schedule here. In other news, ISM sponsored Cindy Soule's Art in Bloom arrangement again this year. See some photos on our Events page.
March 13, 2015.
Region 8 Members of the American Iris Society
The following is a letter from Jack Worel, followed by Region 8 Societies and Iris Judge List, 2015 Iris Show times, and Region 8 Treasurer's Report.
Dear Members in Wisconsin & Minnesota
The Board of Directors of The American Iris Society, at their fall meeting, asked me to convene a Region 8 meeting to select a new RVP for Minnesota and Wisconsin. I have formed a nominating committee which includes Karen Johnson, Wisconsin Iris Society, Elledan McLeester, Madison Area Iris Society, and Michelle Dreier, Minnesota Iris Society.
The Committee has nominated Tim Moore of Apple Valley, MN. Tim is a long time grower and has consented to serve. This selection preserves the tradition of alternating states for our RVP. In addition, Tim is well qualified for the job.
We will meet in Madison, April 18th to elect Tim and officers he selects. See calendar for meeting details.
In addition to the meeting there will be one hour of judges training. I have asked Nyla Hughes to do the hour on Judges Training on Show Judging. This will be of interest to our judges and other members who bring flowers to shows. Nyla will continue to be Judges Chair for the region.
Our region has not been very helpful or actively supporting our societies. I would like to talk about this and find a way to improve.
Please set aside time to come to this meeting. I look forward to seeing you. Did I mention door prizes?
Jack Worel, Osseo MN email
President Elladan McLeester
President Ramona Keller
President Michelle Dreier
Region 8 can be proud of their efforts in Judges' Training! Thanks in large part to the tutelage of former Judges Training Chair Jack Worel, six new Garden/Exhibition Judges have now joined the ranks of those qualified to judge iris shows and give helpful advice in selecting worthy cultivars. Congratulations to new appointees!
And thanks to all those who have led training, provided gardens, and worked on shows to provide them with opportunities to achieve this. If you are interested in becoming a judge, please let Jack Worel or me (Nyla) know.
(Some) contact information follows, to aid in planning your shows. All are G/E judges unless otherwise noted. (Also, the board recently voted to allow a retired judge to judge shows on a panel with other currently qualified judges.)
George Bacon, Brooklyn WI email
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Bausch, Mequon WI (master judges)
Walter E. Doehne (retired), St. Paul MN
Vincent Fox (retired), Mankato MN
Nyla Hughes, Milwaukee WI email
Karen Johnson, Menomenee Falls WI email
Alicia LaMunion, St. Louis Park MN email
Elladan McLeester, Madison WI email
Rob Meyer, Madison WI
John & Barbara Sautner, Bloomington MN email
Carol Jo Shonka, New Berlin WI email
Bonnie Sonntag, New Berlin WI email
Jack Worel, Osseo MN (master) email
Minnesota Iris Society. Saturday May 30 Bachman's on Lyndale
Madison Area Iris Society. Sunday May 31. Albrich Gardens, 3300 Atwood Ave. Madison WI
Wisconsin Iris Society. Saturday May 16. Saturday & Sunday
June 6 & 7
Boener Botanical Gardens. Hales Corners WI
As of January 1, 2015 Region 8 had a balance of $2762.75 Ledra Mohrmann, Treasurer
February 1, 2015
Whatever would we do if we didn't have winter here in Minnesota? How would we ever get anything else done if we could be in the garden all year? Winter is an excellent time for updating our website, and you will now find the photos of the various irises in alphabetical order. I have also added the hybridizer and year of registration to the large photos.
As the first phase of iris virus wears off, I find that instead of coveting and buying the next gorgeous beauty I see, I am paying more attention to which irises do the best year after year in my garden. I am sure it's not as simple as just who the hybridizer may be, but it might be one factor. I am finding that most of the SDBs do very well here. Of the TBs, the most consistent ones I have include "Before the Storm," "Winter Waltz," "Supreme Sultan," and "Dusky Challenger."
I just received my copy of the Winter 2015 IRISES and it was really fun to see the results of the 2014 AIS Tall Bearded Iris Symposium. I think I need to acquire "Jesse's Song." It is unfortunate though, that only 7.1% of AIS members cast ballots. I guess the ISM is not the only organization that struggles with member participation!
Countdown to spring everyone!! ( MH / webmaster )
January 26, 2015
Annual holiday party and Awards dinner
Members of ISM celebrated at PF Chang in Edina on Saturday, Jan. 24 with delicious food and stimulating conversations. ISM medals were presented to Alicia LaMunion and Jack Worel (who was unable to attend).
If you missed this event, you missed a lovely evening with congenial companions, and great door prizes. Do plan to attend next year!
(See events page for photo).
December 22, 2014
Because of scheduling conflicts for several members of the ISM board, the board has decided to change the date for the annual holiday party to Jan. 24. The event will be held at PF Chang in Edina from 4-7 PM. Registration information has been sent to current members. There will be a Region 8 meeting in Madison on April 18th. Tim Moore will be on the ballot for RVP. There will also be an hour of judges' training on judging an iris show.
November 4, 2014
The ISM Annual Meeting was held Saturday, Oct. 25 at the Mississippi Library in Fridley. The 2015 budget was approved. Jack Worel was elected to a two year term on the Board of Directors, replacing Jim Hefling. Alicia LaMunion assumed the Vice Presidency and Marte Hult is now Membership Chair.
There will be a holiday party/awards banquet on January 10 and Katerina Bergeron will select a restaurant for this occasion. The 2015 calendar was set, and the society will begin using Constant Contact to reach members by email. Members whose dues are not current will receive a coupon for a free iris for rejoining. After the business meeting, a small but enthusiastic crowd enjoyed learning about raising iris from seed, presented by Jack Worel. If you missed this meeting, you missed possibly the best flourless chocolate cake ever baked, from Cafe Latte.
October 23, 2014
New photos have been added to the SDB and TB pages. Take a look!
August 22, 2014.
The 2014 dig and sale is now history! It was a successful event, raising more for our society than budgeted. Many people were responsible for this success. Iris were donated by Jack Worel, Tim Moore, Bob Reed, Tony Luce, Jenn Lanz, Marte Hult. If you donated and are not mentioned, please let us know!
Volunteers at the Arboretum set-up on August 15 were: Tim and Gerry Moore, Elsie Riggs, Jack Worel, and Tim and Gerry's granddaughter Lucia and her best friend Grace. Volunteers on Saturday and Sunday were: Tim and Gerry Moore, Jack Worel, Elsie Riggs, Jenn Lanz, Katerina Bergeson, Michelle Dreier and Toni Fundingsland. Thanks to everyone for a great fundraiser for ISM!
August 12, 2014.
Over twenty volunteers worked at the iris dig at Holly Lane Gardens Saturday August 9. Photos are posted on the Events page. Now volunteers are needed for the set up and sale this weekend (Aug. 15-17) at the Arboretum.
Set-up will start Friday afternoon at 2 PM, and the sale runs Saturday 9-4 and Sunday 10-3. The sale is always a fun time to visit with other ISM members and also a good opportunity to interest the public in irises and our society.
Remember that you get free entrance to the Arboretum when you explain that you are there to work at the Iris Society sale event.
Email Gerry Moore to volunteer for a shift: Friday setup, Sat. AM, Sat.PM, Sun. AM, Sun. PM.
August 6, 2014
Request for Guest Beardless Irises for 2017 AIS convention in Des Moines.
ADDED NOTE: IF YOU ARE COMING TO THE DIG PLEASE RSVP TO GERRY MOORE. time2quilt@gmail.com or call her at 952-431-5140
July 19, 2014
Due to the limited number of iris that we could dig at the Arboretum this year, the iris dig will be held at the home of Jack Worel, site of Holly Lane Gardens.
For the new members, Jack is a known hybridizer and long standing member of ISM...you may have some of his iris in your own garden, such as Rush Creek, Greta, Minnesota Pinks, Working Man, Sunny Lynn, or Snow Country...to name a few.
Dig Details:
Date...................Saturday, August 9th, 2014
Start time...........9:00 A.M.
Address.............10930 Holly Lane N, Osseo, MN
In keeping with tradition.......
A light breakfast and crock-pot lunch will be provided. Volunteers will also be rewarded with free rhizomes and there may be a door prize or two.
Due to its success last year, we again will hold a silent auction for several rhizomes purchased from Lauers Iris of Independence Oregon (Larry Lauer, Hybridizer).
Volunteers are needed to make the upcoming Iris sale a success.... it all starts at the DIG. We will dig, label and wash rhizomes to prepare them for the sale.
Looking forward to meeting new faces and old! All are welcome....in fact, bring a friend!
Directions to Jack's house: From I-694, take Hwy 81 North to Osseo, then 6 miles on Hwy 81 to Holly Lane N. Follow Holly Lane around until you reach Jack's property 10930.
Thank You....see you on the 9th! Please RSVP to Gerry.
June 10, 2014
The 2014 ISM iris show is now history! There were nine exhibitors and 63 exhibits. Queen of Show is TB HIGH STAKES — Robert Reed. Best TB: CHECK IT OUT — Jack Worel. Best BB BLACKBEARDS DAUGHTER —Jack Worel. Best Historic: RHEIN NIXE — Danielle Christensen. Best Seedling: 1200P, a pink banded TB with a lavender beard— Jack Worel. A special award went to novice Tatiana Allen for an outstanding stem of TB SUPERSTITION. The highest number of 1st place exhibits — Jack Worel.
Special thanks to Elsie Riggs and Jack Worel for set up; judges, John & Barb Sautner; Alicia LaMunion, apprentice judge; Elsie Riggs, show clerk; Gerry Moore, for helping novice exhibitors; and kudos to ISM President Michelle Dreier for show brochure and pulling it all together. Good job, everyone!
Photos are on the events page.
May 21, 2014
OK everybody! Get ready for the 2014 ISM iris show!! Bring your best blooms to Bachman's on June 7 and win a ribbon! Anyone who grows irises can enter. For instructions and complete show information, click the iris:

May 8, 2014
Finally spring is here! And after our long and cold winter, we deserve a great iris blooming season! The plants are looking good and if we can avoid a late freeze and hail, it should be a banner year!
Please send me your photos. Please share them with other ISM members and friends.
It's not too soon to start thinking about the conventions in Portland next spring! The 2015 "Iris in Wonderland" national convention will be followed by the Siberian/Species convention! It will be a fantastic opportunity to see thousands of fabulous irises!
Next events for our group are the hybridizing class on May 31, and the Iris Show at Bachman's on June 7. More information about the show will be forthcoming.
February 25, 2014
We have just learned that metro area irisarians have the opportunity to hear one of the bright young stars of the iris world, but you have to act fast! Kelly Norris, author of A Guide to Bearded Iris, just published in 2012, will be speaking at the East Metro Spring Fling in Woodbury on March 8. Kelly will talk on "Dig This: Stylish Gardening for Savvy Gardeners." Kelly Norris is the Horticulture Manager of the Greater Des Moines Botanical Gardens and was, until recently, the editor of the AIS bulletin, Irises.
Spring will come! Think about how all this snow is protecting our dear irises. And please send the web administrator some close-up photos of your favorites. Once spring arrives, updating the website will take a back seat to working in the garden! Please follow these submission guidelines.
February 2, 2014.
Plans are underway to re-establish the Society Newsletter, News and Views. As part of the preparation for this venture, your webmaster has been perusing old copies of the newsletter. Here is a little sample from the very first one, Jan 1953, when the publication was called Iris News:
At our December meeting in the fascinating Ship Room of the Minnesota Savings and Loan Assn. St. Paul, we were treated to an informative talk on specie iris by our prexy, Mr. Gus Sindt of St. Paul. He is also an excellent story teller. As an aftermath of this meeting, two members, Bud Straub and Edythe Burns, volunteered to obtain as much information as possible concerning the Louisiana specie iris. As neither Bud nor Edythe has ever seen a Louisiana iris, let alone grow one, they should have a most interesting report to give us at some future meeting."
The first editor of the newsletter was Edythe Burns and she wrote in a light, conversational voice. We will include additional excerpts from early news-letters as part of our new publication from time to time.
January 17, 2014
We are saddened to hear of the passing of a former Iris Society member, Ingeborg G. "Oma" Hempel. Memorial service will be Sunday, Jan 19. Details from the Star Tribune obituary here.
January 14, 2014
The annual holiday party was held on Sunday, Jan. 12, in Mounds View at Random Park. A lively group of Irisarians enjoyed a delicious buffet and gift exchange. Three door prizes were awarded. Tim won a 2012 Baumunk introduction, "Howling at the Moon." Katerina won a gift certificate to Superstition Gardens, and Jean won a 2014 Worel introduction, "Frost Bite." The door prizes were donated by Jack Worel.
The party was preceded by a board meeting. Numerous exciting events are planned for 2014. Check the calendar for details.
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Last updated:January 13, 2023